Sunday, October 13, 2013

National Parks issues

I think our biggest problem we face today in National Parks are wildfires and pollution. Some of these wildfires this year for example the one fire in Colorado this summer really got out of hand and burned thousands of acres. Once these fires are lit they become rapidly out of control. Also they become very hard to stop. Air pollution too is becoming a big problem also. These industrial factories are producing so much pollution in the air then the winds come and sweep it into our National Parks and forests. Which contaminates our trees and animals.


  1. I agree that wildfires pose a large threat to many national parks.

  2. Wild fires are defiantly a big issue especially because they can spread and completely ruin a town.

  3. How could we prevent wildfires from occurring or spreading? I agree that both are a very huge problem and need to be reduced.

  4. What about the timber pine which needs to fire to allow their seeds to germinate? How do you balance human needs vs. nature needs?
