Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I think that the biggest issues facing the National Forests are both the lack of funding and the lack of knowledge given to the United States about the issues that the National Forests face every day. Because of the economic hardships of this day and age, the people who are paid to take care of the forests are faced with less resources to keep the forests safe and properly maintained for the public to enjoy. Due to the lack of funding heading to the National Forests it causes the Forests to face hardships that can't be overcame or improved upon. The lack of money also ties in with the fact that the people of America are unaware of different problems that the National Forests face. They aren't fully aware of the money that is needed to maintain the forests, as well as what we can do as a nation to keep the Forests safe and protected from possibly natural causes or unnatural man-made problems that happen in forests across the world.

1 comment:

  1. Even though its hard to give enough money to national parks because the economic state our country is in, we do need to fund the parks more. People needs to understand the conditions our national parks are in if we don't.
