In the first article they list some of the top ten issues
facing National Parks which include: Untold stories, crumbling history,
wildlife management, foreign invaders, adjacent development, climate change,
air pollution, transportation troubles, and visitor experience. Basically the
biggest problem right now is that humans have screwed over the system, and the
government doesn’t have money to fund National Parks. Nature is always
changing, so this is a natural occurrence, but when it comes to foreign invaders,
air pollution, and damage to the land, there’s nothing else to blame but
ourselves. It’s sad that great things like our National Parks aren’t a priority
because I honestly think they are! I want to help and volunteer my time to help
out, and I hope you consider the same. You’d think the government would be ran
by responsible adults that could agree and make educated decisions all
together, but in reality people are stubborn and want things their way, or no
Oh come on. Government officials being responsible? hahah.