Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Children in Competition

Whatever you do in life, whoever you are, you have some sort of passion.  Having a passion means to love something so much and show an unmeasurable amount of care for it. A passion can be anything from an obsession of rocks to a passion for helping people. It may take a few years or even a lifetime for one to find their own. My passion happens to be sports and staying active athletically.
I believe the best thing you can do for a child is to get him or her involved with sports. Getting them involved makes them a happier individual and open up new doors for them. Happiness and healthiness go hand and hand. If a child is exposed to sports, then their health increases which provides others a positive friend or kid. 
There is no minimum age to start encouraging a child to start engaging in competitive sports. The nature of competition provides the child a sense of motivation and develops skills. Also, the earlier you introduce it to them the better because when you do something at a young age, it is normally a habit that stays with you for the rest of your life.
To balance a child, you must tend to their needs and wants. If they don't want to be competitive in one thing, then something else would probably interest them more to take more seriously.
I agree with the article and to stick with striving to be competitive because it will help for jobs and situations in the future when competing for certain positions. It applies to many life scenarios and should be taken seriously. All in all, I believe children should ultimately compete in as much as they can, as often as they can, and as competitive as they can. Also, they should be exposed right out of the womb, figuratively speaking. Go Broncos.

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