Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What is Leisure and Recreation? Kelsey Raynal

Through out our busy lives it’s hard to remember what we are all working so hard for. We push towards a goal of happiness and a sense of fullness within each other. I believe that this happiness is found in a time of recreation with friends and loved ones. A time measured in leisure, a time worthy of remembrance in moments of struggle. Personally I discover moments of leisure within volunteering at Camp Marshall Episcopal Dioceses. Located right on Flathead Lake, it’s nearly impossible to not be influenced to do greater things within your life. This camp creates a special environment that includes the perfect combination of fun recreational activities and worship. This summer I had the privilege of volunteering as a camp councilor, given the responsibility over children with similar value was priceless. The memoires that I’ve made this summer as well as the last eight years have shaped the way I see leisure and recreation.
I believe that over time we lose our sight of what is important in life. Why are we working so hard to succeed in college? Why are should we be gracious and kind to one another? We need to remember that life shouldn’t be a routine. That while working towards our goals and dreams we should consciously make an effort to create a time of leisure, a time of compassion towards one another, a time of doing whatever makes us happy. This means that we as individuals need to be able to balance hard work and recreation. “Everything in moderation,” my Great-Grandfather always said. Let us not forget how blessed we are to have the choice of utilizing this wonderful world we live in.

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