Monday, September 23, 2013


Competition is neither necessary nor unnecessary. When we feel the need be competitive, it’s a good thing. Success starts at the edge of our comfort zone. We are consciously choosing to push ourselves beyond our normal boundaries when we compete. Competing also brings out passion for something we love. When we can regularly exert ourselves and release the right endorphins, naturally our lives become better in most aspects. Vice versa, when we aren’t competing and don’t have any desire to, our lives become more simply and tranquil. There’s no need to push and strive for something higher because you are content with everything you have already. We can all strive for something simple without having to constantly compete for it. Personally, I don’t want kids in the first place. But if I did, I would encourage, not force or push, my children to play a competitive sport. That way if they don’t enjoy competing but instead striving for something on their own, they can choose which. I became the person I am today because of the competition I put myself through playing sports in high school. I’m more mature, motivate, and intelligent because of the experience and am grateful for it.


  1. I agree with you on not wanting kids, but if I did, I would let them choose for themselves. My mom has never pushed anything on me, and I chose to do sports on my own, and pushed myself to my own limit. But I feel like kids don't need to be competitive in just sports, but just something they love in general. The passion will come forth, and take over, their competiveness will take over naturally.

  2. I like how you talked about the passion that comes with competition, I didn't really think of it like that. I like how you talked about not forcing the children you'll have someday into competing, but rather encouraging them to do what they want.

  3. Life is a competition. In sports, getting better grades, in the workforce, and who has the cutest child. Well, maybe not the last one but my point is we wouldn't be who and where we are today without competition.
