Lifetime Rec LLC is a community of students whom are interested in Recreational Activities at Boise State University. Comprised of twenty-two first year students living in a Residence Hall on BSU's campus, these students will embark on the meaning of Lifetime Recreation activities through the exploration of leisure, activity, and fun. This blog is designed to capture their thoughts, ideas, and challenge how they look at recreation.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
I've heard of this work out method before but I've personally never tried it. It looks like a great way to both slim down and bulk up. Even though it sounds and looks good it would definitely take a lot of commitment. It would be very helpful for an athlete who's trying to build endurance and strength.
I've heard about this workout and tried it a couple years ago. I don't know how much it actually benefitted me more than other workouts but it still was a good workout. The diet plan is something I support. I am a strong believer of low carb diets because its one of the best ways to lose fat. Thats one of the main diet plans I had when I was cutting weight for wrestling and it worked great.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
HIIT Workout
My friend did the High Interval Intensity Training and is still currently on it. He eats small portions every hour and a half to keep his metabolism going fast to burn his summer weight. I think after reading this article and seeing my friends results that I completely agree that this workout can be very effective and successful with dedication. For me however might me a little too intense if you are seriously deticating yourself to HIIT. It's not an easy diet its a complete life change. Though I understand that this lifestyle is extremely healthy and productive.
Personally I have never heard of this type of work out method. Already having a smaller body type, I am not too eager in losing weight, but I do like the thought of bulking up and doing a better form of cardio. I am always willing to try new things, and to see how they work my schedule as well as my body. I would just be careful with my weight, and would make sure that I didn't lose too much, unless I was gaining muscle in the process. With the right resources, as well as better knowledge on HIIT, I feel like it is something that I could get into and really enjoy.
Healthy Protein
Protein has alway been an important part of mine, and my family's diet. However, my family and I are blessed to live on a ranch in Montana so up until my time in Boise, I was not accustomed to eating beef. My Dad made deer burgers, steak, sausage, brats and many more forms of protein also including duck. The protein that I have grown up on is lean meet, therefore when I started to eat beef for the first time my stomach turned and I had to get used to it. This article stated that most Americans consume up to twice the amount of protein our bodies actually need to function. This doesn't surprise me, usually we don't think about the other forms of protein besides meat, fish, eggs and cheese add to our daily amount. After reading this article I have really reevaluated the way I eat and what I take in.
Kelsey Raynal
Kelsey Raynal
HIIT Training
High Intensive Interval Training is very good if you want to train for specific sports that high intensity is needed such as soccer or football or sprinting. More people in those types of sports and people who want to have intensive capabilities, I would advise them to do this. I prefer the classic weightlifting training of continuously going up in weight while maintaining the same consistency.
High Intensive Interval Training is very good if you want to train for specific sports that high intensity is needed such as soccer or football or sprinting. More people in those types of sports and people who want to have intensive capabilities, I would advise them to do this. I prefer the classic weightlifting training of continuously going up in weight while maintaining the same consistency.
HIIT Harder Than That
Since playing football for four years and high school, I have been accustomed to the high interval intensity training. We work out intensely for 1 hour at max and then we relax and go run for a couple of minutes. It's not bad because you build lean muscle this way and it burns off the fat really fast. But you can't just take a minute rest, you have to to timed rest periods and then get back at it again because that is the best way to build muscle. HIIT does have its negatives though, you end up being sore, and you could have torn muscles. That is why you rest for a day and then get back to the grinding stone when you lift again.
HIIT me harder
When working out hard in this manner, you're putting a lot more strain and long term difficulties on your body. While you may be adding more muscle and losing more calories, when you're 60 years old and can't bench 250 anymore, or sprint 30 times in an hour, you'll regret all this painful exercise. Think of all the NFL players that are now in wheelchairs 25-30 years after their career ended. That could be you.
HIIT Training
High Intensity Training sounds beneficial if you were trying to lose body fat. It will burn fat quickly and provide a basis to begin sliming. With that being said, I still believe it is better to exercise at a steady and healthy rate. Pushing your body to its limits isn't always beneficial or healthy. Training your body to handle exercise at a daily rate seems to be the most safe and beneficial for the long term effects.
I have experienced various forms of HIIT in high school and in sports, and I don't really agree on its benefits. Our bodies do not adapt to rapid change very well. Even losing alot of weight in a short amount of time can bring on unhealthy side effects. HIIT in the long run can lead to joint problems and other injuries. Although doing HIIT is an effective way to reduce fat percentage and gain muscle, its long-term benefits are questionable.
I think that high interval training is a great thing. We did a lot of workouts like that when I played soccer and track and I absolutely loved it. Rather than mapping out how you will pace yourself and exert energy over a long period of time, HIIT allows you to give your all for a short amount of time and have a recovery period following soon after. I really like the short hard periods with the break quickly behind because you focus on working your hardest for the time being without totally exhausting yourself. I also like the science behind this method of exercise. Considering the low level of fatigue to follow this type of exercise encourages me to work even harder knowing that the recovery won't be as bad.
Body Building
I feel I have learned a lot from this article. As a result, I will try its suggestion to alternate from one workout to the next. Doing one single workout for the entire time is probably not the best method to get in shape. I hope to go to the gym and try out my new knowledge of how to get a real workout.
Monday, February 24, 2014
High Intensity Interval Training
I enjoyed reading this article and learning about a different methods to try when working out. I appreciate that the author laid out the entire workout plan and gave specific exercises to try. All to often I feel like I don't know where to start so I really like it when there are easy step by step instructions. My favorite part of the article is that the author included nutrition in the plan. knowing the right foods to eat can be hard especially when working out because of your heightened metabolic rate. I want to make sure that I am taking in enough of the right thing. I will definitely be giving HIIT a try because it sounds like a great workout method.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
HIIT Training
After reading this article I felt like HIIT would be a great workout to try out. I love trying different types of workouts and knowing the benefits my body can gain from those workouts. I have done previous interval training for competitive soccer and track and I absolutely loved it. To be pushed to your limit and feel completely exhausted and sore for a week is one of my favorite parts of working out-the perks of having a mom who use to be a personal trainer. HIIT seems like a nice change of pace from the workout plan I am doing right now. I like that HIIT focuses on cutting or bulking the body, as well loosing fat. The body type I work for when working out is cut and lean, and I believe HIIT would be a great workout to progress my body even further. The article does a great job of providing examples of how many calories people should be consuming and what workouts to do to start of this workout. I could definitely see myself trying this out.
HIIT trainin
I am pretty sure this is the insane stuff that Liese puts me through, if that is the case, than HIIT training is really hardcore and you will die. Every minute is torture but its worth it. But it works and you feel a lot of pain everywhere. It is my kinda workout because I want to burn the hell out of fat and also gain muscle. Im going to restart my zombie phase of life with Liese so we can look good for the summer.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
HIIT Training
HIIT training sounds like a great workout idea for people who are looking to burn fat and gain muscle. In my case, I am looking to add muscle as well as adding a little more fat. If I wanted to slim down, then HIIT training would be for me. The high intensity of the workout is very good to get the person going and into the workout because workouts aren't meant to be boring. The workouts I remember are the ones I never thought I would make it through. The HIIT program is something I will most likely try sometime, but for now I'm going to aim for mass gaining.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Having a mother who use to be a nutritionist and personal trainer, has helped me watch how much I am eating and what I am putting in my body. I try to eat three meals a day with a couple snacks in between. Within those meals I try to find food that provides energy for my body, specifically protein. For my kind of lifestyle I need to be eating plenty of foods with protein to maintain my energy. I have never thought about exactly how much protein I eat, but I would say my protein intake is around the average amount as the article stated-46 grams per day. This article was more of a recap of how protein, except for the exact amount the average male and female eats protein. I like how the article mentioned the side affects for eating too much protein. Most people think that they can continue to eat excessive amounts of protein because they will burn it all off-sometimes that is not the case. Learning about issues that are caused by extreme protein amounts helps people become more aware of how much they are eating, and what they are eating.
Eating too much of anything can obviously have some serious side effects. I believe protein is often used in the wrong way. Unless you are completely trying to bulk up and you're actually going through the motions such as constantly being in the gym there really isn't a need to go out of your way to to get more in your diet.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The various level of protein consumption really depends on your energy expense and what you are doing in your day to day activities. Personally, I can eat whatever the fludge I want because my body has the metabolism to keep up with whatever. With exercise and eating well, protein, can be consumed with all the calories you can't eat, just make sure to hit the elliptical asap. Protein is also important for the growth of your muscles and is a great supplement to working out (as stated in Mr. Sulier's post). I like the way I eat, and protein does a great job, as you can tell by my perfectly sculpted bod. Go Broncos.
This article is alright but I have different views. I believe you eat at least half your weight in protein for an healthy lifestyle. Also if you are trying to build muscle, you need a minimum of a gram of protein per body weight per day. Protein s the most important when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.
I think it is really important for people to keep a well-rounded diet. Focusing on one food group overloads parts of your system while depriving others and does not make you as healthy as you were trying to be in the first place. I like that the article suggested keeping a food journal. Being able to keep track of all the things you eat can help you get in the habit of having a well-rounded diet.
Eating too much of anything can be bad for you. Protein is important to living a healthy lifestyle but obviously too much of it can have its negatives. It is best to get your protein from healthy foods. But if you are trying to gain more muscle mass, drinking whey protein shakes have benefits. Making sure not to take too much is key and you'll be fine.
How much protein is necessary?
This article was very interesting. I did not know some of the protein we already intake account for moist of the protein we need. After working out you should take rote in shakes or some sort of protein to make sure you build healthy muscle, but you are right in the fact that you don't want to eat to much of it. In the long run, protein can be bad for you if you have to much because your body doesn't know what to do with it.
Protein is a very important supplement. Protein helps rebuild torn muscles after a hard work out. Eating protein 24/7 won't intsa bulk you. Other vitamins and supplements are needed in order to maintain a healthy diet to help bulk up. Protein is good in the right amount to help loose (fat) weight or bulk up but too much may cause some shitty problems in the bathroom.
Protein obviously is very important for the body. Their are many benefits from protein. It makes your muscle develop fast and strong. With protein you can keep adding that muscle and increase your body strength. But having to much protein can harm your system. For example if you have too much protein in your body it is hard to digest and go to the bathroom to take a dump.
The End
The End
I really like this article. In todays world everyone believes that you need huge amounts of protein to be healthy and that just isn't the case. It is true that protein is important for a healthy diet but we are taking things way to far. My all time favorite heath documentary, "Forks over Knives", talks about how eating too many animal products, one of our favorite sources of protein, can seriously effect your health. In the documentary they compared diets to life expectancy in different parts of the world and found that countries that eat less meat lived longer and had a significantly lower rate of cancer. Another misunderstanding about protein in our society is where it can be found. Many people associate protein with meat but the truth is that protein can be found in many other foods as well.
Bro, This article is saying that I can't eat more than 35% of my daily caloric intake as protein? But bro, how will I be able to do 20 sets of 100 curls at the gym every day if my diet doesn't consist of nothing but whey protein? If curls are for the girls then if I don't curl then guess what bro, the girls gonna be leaving my 32" biceps for that dudes 40" biceps, BBBBBRRRRRROOOOOOOo that just can't happen. Next thing your going to tell me is that I have to squat, HA, I'll be laughing for days after that day. Well times getting late and I have to go eat my 50 supplements to make sure these two guns don't rust, see you in the gym bro.
Curl Bro
(Seriously though I think that this article is good for people who want to consistently stay in shape, but for people who want to add muscle they need to injest more protein than is needed because they are breaking down the muscles by going to the gym. You daily protein intake also depends on your metabolism and if you want to bulk, cut, or just remain in the same shape you are.)
Curl Bro
(Seriously though I think that this article is good for people who want to consistently stay in shape, but for people who want to add muscle they need to injest more protein than is needed because they are breaking down the muscles by going to the gym. You daily protein intake also depends on your metabolism and if you want to bulk, cut, or just remain in the same shape you are.)
Healthy Protein!
I already knew a lot of points this article brought up. Protein is actually harmful for our bodies in large quantities, and requires a balance or moderation of it. I avoid red meat and pork at all costs. Yes, I will break down and eat bacon sometimes, but bacon is delicious :) But, I usually eat fish in moderation or tofu. I sometimes eat chicken, but not often enough. I believe the the healthiest diet is the pescetarian diet, which is basically a vegetarian who also eats some eggs and fish for protein.
Protein Comsumption
I think that too much protein is definitely a bad thing. I think we should all follow Sophie and strictly get our protein from spinach. She said that this may even be too little, so maybe go for a nice Red Robin burger every once in awhile. This will ensure that you don't go over the amount of protein that your body needs.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Eating Healthy
One of the most underachieved facts of a meal is the nutritional value of that specific meal. In our society especially in the U.S. we are conditioned to have instantaneous pleasure, whether that be through junk food, or just watching TV for hours on end. Through nutrition we can look at the long run of our life and dictate a select number of foods that supply both the caloric needs and our nutritional needs for each meal and snack. Most of these foods come naturally from various animals and plants such as chicken, kale, spinach, etc. My mom is a dietitian and one thing that she always recommended to her patients was to cut out soda, a major source of sugar in an average diet.
Healthy Eating
Exercise is one thing that always makes me feel healthy. It relieves stress and makes you feel better about yourself. Being active is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you can do with your life. Eating junk food isn't good for your health and body. Bad food makes you feel shitty and lowers your drive to be successful. Eating healthy and staying active are important in a good fulfilling lifestyle.
Diet Tracking
I have found that I tend to eat unhealthy when stop being active. Who wants to eat junk food right after working out? Therefore if or when I have a cheat day I try to keep tabs on the days following. Am I being active enough? Am I taking in consideration what I'm putting into my body? When it comes to food, and a healthy diet my parents taught me to take everything in moderation. I am not by any means a health nut, however I am not by any lengths an unhealthy eater. If I eat a something of high carbohydrates or high sodium I tend to keep this into consideration the next meal around. I love my food, I love to enjoy food, keeping everything in moderation helps me to keep a well rounded and healthy lifestyle.
Eating Healthy
All through high school I was constantly active. My life evolved around sports and school. Up to this point I have never really paid attention to what I ate. Most of the time I ate healthy because my body felt like eating healthy; fruits, vegetables, meat and breads. I tried to make sure I had one of each when I packed my lunch. When I was not eating at tournaments or meets I did not pay too much attention to what I ate. Since I was so active in high school, most of the calorie intake I had did not effect me too much. Now that I am in college I do not have the constant forced activity such as practice; exercise must come from actually wanting to exercise on my own. A balance between healthy food choices and exercise is the key for me.
Eating Healthy
My diet isn't the healthiest, but after reading this article I think I might make a change. Working out on a daily basis may be a start. Whenever I workout I feel less cravings toward junk food. In addition, I did not pick up on how much I eat while watching the latest episode of How I Met Your Mother. I think after reading the article I will definitely pay more attention to what I am feeding my body.
Healthy Eating
Having played high level soccer for most of my life, being conscious of what I eat was a very big part of my performance on the field. You can feel the direct correlation between what you eat and how you feel while you are playing. My coach used to say, "feel good, play good" and I think that is a really important thing to think of on and off the field. Food is fuel for your body, so it is important to treat yourself to high quality foods so that you feel your best.
There are so many aspects of food that our body needs and I think that completely cutting out certain food groups can be hazardous because you deprive your body of that necessary type of chemical. We should try to maintain well-rounded diets but focus on eating the healthiest option of each food group. Like the article mentioned, the body gets addicted to repetitive foods, so why not get addicted to foods that are good for your body?
I know that with myself, a healthy diet is necessary to maintain focus, work ethic, and effort in my daily schedule. If I fail to eat healthy (From the grill at the BRC) I feel sluggish, cloudy, and my energy levels hover around 50%. A healthy diet helps the body produce normal hormone levels and keep bodily functions at 100%. Eating healthy doesn't just improve body health, it improves your overall functions. Exercising and eating healthy is a great way to reset your body after a stressful period of time or a period of time with low amounts of sleep.
Healthy Dieting
There are tons of benefits from eating healthy. For example, stocking your body full of positive vitamins and minerals will fuel the production of hormones. This in turn will make more serotonin, adrenaline, and melotonin to help you exercise, sleep, and stay happy. When you're in a good mood, you sometimes feel like exercising. When you exercise, you wear yourself out and get tired, so you sleep better. With a balance of healthy dieting and regular exercise, this cycle becomes a regular occurrence in our daily lives.
Reseting My Diet
Everyone knows that you can't eat McDonalds for every meal, every day if you have ever seen the "Supersize Me" video. McDonalds is obviously a fatty burger joint and tries to skew the image with the healthy menu, but it is still junk food. Anytime I eat junk food, I always make sure there is a bathroom nearby. To reset my dieting after eating junk food, I like to drink a lot of water and eat foods I know don't give me intestinal issues. For the most part, I keep my diet to pasta, meat, potatoes, lots of carbs and just hearty foods. But when we have the BRC on campus, there are no guarantees...
Junk Food
I know that I always feel better after I work out. That is how I try to balance staying healthy and eating junk food. I tend to stay away from foods with a lot of sugar and I try to never drink soda. But once in a while when I do, I know I have to make up for it with physical activity like going to the gym. Like Tanner said, it's not always bad when you eat junk food, just as long you eat in moderation and you get some gym time in there.
Junk food
To be honest I have ate my fair share of unhealthy food back in the day. But am I fat? no. As long as you exercise and keep in shape you wont get fat. Working out is a great counter balance for junk food. Take for the Superbowl champions the Seattle Seahawks. Marshawn Lynch eats candy skittles during the game and look at him, he is a beast. Nothing is bad for you as long as it is in moderation.
Not being Fat
It's really simple not to be fat. Just don't eat crap day in and day out. Otherwise you will turn into a whale and better also know here at Boise State University the freshman 15. Exercise 45 minutes a day and you wont be a whale and hating yourself.
The End
The End
Why Reset?
Honestly, eating bad isn't a bad thing at all. Sometimes you just need to get it out of your system. I know for example that when I work out I always try to eat chicken or some sort of healthy so it builds healthy and lean muscle. Its not always good to eat healthy all the time. It only becomes a problem when you start eating unhealthy foods daily and start becoming overweight and a couch potato. IF this is happening you need got get your lazy bum out of that chair and into the gym because you are becoming a walking risk to yourself when you do that. Even if you eat unhealthy and go the gym, you are burning off all that unwanted weight and calories so it will be easier to be healthy.
How to Reset After a Bad Day of Eating
Occasionally, it is absolutely fine to eat junk food but that doesn't mean that afterwords you wont feel aweful. After a bad day of eating,when the food coma wears of, I like to start off the next day with a smoothie. In the past I drank primarily fruit smoothies but next time I'll make sure to put in extra greens. I likes that the author brought up that there is no quick fix. One day of eating bad isn't going to make you unhealthy just like one day of eating good isn't going to make you healthy.
The Truth
I don't eat junk food often because it's simply not good for you. If you truly cared about your body you would take care of it and not indulge on pizza, fries, and a coke every time you go to the BRC. It's ok every once in a while but if you continue on an extremely unhealthy path, you might just end up as the fat man/ woman on TLC. Take care of your body and it will take care of you!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Junk Food
After a day of eating junk food I obviously feel like a bag of crap. It's a horrible feeling that makes you want to lay on the couch and watch tv. It's hard to fight that urge but I like to get up and try and to do something active to make myself feel better and then obviously eat healthy as well.
After I eat a crap load of nice ole greasy southern food I feel disgusting. I was raised eating ribs and burgers. However my mom is an organic eater and grows all of her own vegetables and fruits. So between my dad and mom I would say I ate pretty good. When I became a vegetarian I loved eating healthy and working out so I really cut out all that gross food. After I quit that I had a Chick Fil A burger and puked. It just shows you how your body reacts to bad foods. Now, when I have delicious fatty foods the next day I just take it slow on my body and forget about the previous day of food. (basically this happens all the time)
Junk food days
Being very lucky to have been born with a fast working metabolism, I don't have very many "bad days" when it comes to eating. I can usually eat whatever, and still feel okay. One of my favorite snacks that Kelli and I share is Nutella and popcorn, which we eat every once in awhile. Also, being a dietetics and nutrition major, I try to be aware of what I am eating as well how much. The only time I do feel icky is when I over eat, or when I eat something too fast. What I do to make myself feel better is drink plenty of water, and try to take on lighter and more nutritious meals or snacks. Another thing that is very helpful is doing some yoga. It stretches my belly out and makes me feel all around better mentally and physically. After I have digested a little bit, doing some more heavy exersise such as running or lifting also makes me feel way better. There are many ways to help your mind and your body feel better after a day of eating shit.
Reseting after a bad day of eating
I have been raised in a holistic family and have found out that I am gluten intolerant as well as allergic to dairy products. With this lifestyle, "bad days" are a rarity for me. However there are some days I do crave a donut-my biggest weakness. When I do cheat I do not just feel like absolute crap, my body completely shuts down and I either get really sick or rash out everywhere or even both. This forces myself to stay away from junk food and focus on foods that make my body feel like a temple. Whole Foods is savior-allowing me to eat how I did back home. For me eating healthy is not enough. I need to work out regularly. I do not work out to get "skinny," I work out because I have a body type I like to maintain. I am a happier less stressed person when I eat healthy and work out on a regular basis. Living a holistic lifestyle keeps me balanced and energized.
Article Options for the Week
Choose one to read:
After Super Bowl, I think we all probably over did it on the junk food. Here is an article from the Huffington Post:
How to Reset After a Bad Day of Eating
"So how do you reset after a bad day of eating, without going all "OMG, Juice Cleanse!" on your colon? I tapped Michelle Davenport, a nutritionist based in San Francisco, to share the best way to get back on track and feel good -- fast!
After Super Bowl, I think we all probably over did it on the junk food. Here is an article from the Huffington Post:
How to Reset After a Bad Day of Eating
"So how do you reset after a bad day of eating, without going all "OMG, Juice Cleanse!" on your colon? I tapped Michelle Davenport, a nutritionist based in San Francisco, to share the best way to get back on track and feel good -- fast!
"Research shows that junk food can be addictive, which can lead to a vicious cycle of cravings, more junk food, and so on," says Davenport, so resetting your food cravings can be the best way to get back on track. Try these tips if you have a bad day. (And don't worry, we all do!)
* Cut out all sugar, and eat "clean" = less sugar, salt and fat.
* Include good sources of protein and fiber (whole foods) with every meal, which slow digestion and keep insulin happy. Happy insulin = no cravings.
* Exercise! Exercise calms us down, and suppresses the stress hormones that cause our cravings for junk food to go awry.
* Get good sleep, at least seven or eight hours per night. Adequate sleep ensures our leptin (the hormone that tells us we're full) and ghrelin (the hormone that tells us we're hungry) levels are maintained, which keeps our cravings for junk food in check.
* Include good sources of protein and fiber (whole foods) with every meal, which slow digestion and keep insulin happy. Happy insulin = no cravings.
* Exercise! Exercise calms us down, and suppresses the stress hormones that cause our cravings for junk food to go awry.
* Get good sleep, at least seven or eight hours per night. Adequate sleep ensures our leptin (the hormone that tells us we're full) and ghrelin (the hormone that tells us we're hungry) levels are maintained, which keeps our cravings for junk food in check.
What doesn't work? Fasting, says Davenport. "Starving yourself does just that -- puts your body into starvation mode, which activates stress hormones, puts us in a state of inflammation, and disrupts your normal metabolism to minimize caloric spending. In other words, minimizing calories spent equals more fat stored, which is a bad idea," she adds.
You can also skip the juice cleanse. "While juices can be chock full of vitamins and minerals that are great for us, there's no such thing as a quick fix. There's also no such thing as "cleansing" our bodies, since the liver does most of the detoxification work for us. However, juices are a great way to mentally adjust ourselves to a healthy mindset," Davenport says. If you want to incorporate a juice into your day, opt for a green juice with minimal fruit or any other low-sugar pick."
Or Click the Link to go to an article about How to Read Nutrition Labels:
Just write a quick reflection about how this might affect you and what you've learned :)
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