Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Children in competition

Conor O'Brien
Blog post #2

Children in 2013 are often subjected to pressure from their parents to do various things. Play sports, do good in school, and participate in extra curricular activities. I believe that children should only be pushed to do things they are passionate about. This applies directly to competition. If a child doesn't wish to compete in sports, then they shouldn't be forced to. Forcing a child to participate in competitive sports will never end well for the child or the parent or the relationship between the two. However, children will no doubt encounter competition at some point in their lives. It could be a competitive college, competitive spot in the school band or choir, or a competitive job market. If children aren't exposed to competition, they might crack when they are exposed to it for the first time. Around the age of 10, or about 4th grade, children should start pursuing competitive activities. Band, choir, sports, ASB or leadership, or anything else competitive. This will instill a competitive drive in the child that will help the child later in life. However, the activity should be something the child is interested in, otherwise the child won't be interested. As a parent, you should never have to force your child to compete or live vicariously through your child.

I absolutely disagree with the article. I believe children should be exposed to a level of competition or they will fail when their life becomes competitive as adults. There simply isn't a way to get competition all the way out of our lives. As parents, we need to prepare our children to succeed in the future, and avoiding competition will ill prepare our children for the real world.

In conclusion, I believe that children should compete, although not necessarily in sports. Parents shouldn't push their children to be better, only help the children if they so desire. Pushing children can push them past the breaking point, and often creates a monster out of the parent. Children need to know how to compete for future success.

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