Monday, September 23, 2013

It's Not All About Winning - Alicia Combs

It seems like competition has always played a huge role in society, and a lot of people are focused on winning and achieving that fame or glory. Adults will drive this idea into the minds of children, and sometimes they get a little too focused that the activity isn't even fun anymore. I think sports are great for children, it teaches many lessons, and they can gain more than experience from it. Throughout my middle and high school career I played volleyball. It taught me about hard work, teamwork, goals, reliability, and so forth, and I think any age is a great age to start a competitive sport. But, I wouldn't want to force competition on a child, I feel that having fun is more important. It's not always about winning, but trying your hardest and accepting that you lose time to time as well. I don't think kids have to be competitive in just sports, but they can push themselves in other aspects as well, such as art or music. I honestly think that nothing should be pushed onto the kid, and they will discover their true passion and naturally set forth in achieving and competing in it.

1 comment:

  1. I like your point about balancing fun and competitiveness.
