Monday, September 23, 2013


Competition surrounds us this day in age. Whether it’s in sports, business or even school. And the thing with competition is it will never go away. I believe learning about healthy competition is important at a semi-young age. I think children should get introduced to light competition. I mean really a kindergartener loves to race and soon learns they will not always win. It’s beneficial to learn at a young age that you’re not going to be the best at everything. Balance with competition is key and everyone is different. Some could love competing but careless about the “W” where as some may hate competing but refuses to lose or quit. Knowing how to pump up or calm someone down is virtually in the teams spirit and rapport. A parent can also help with this situation. Knowing that in most cases your sport will truly not be your life or career helps keep participants in an even competitive state of mind. Growing up playing a competitive sport was probably one of the biggest blessings. I learned the value of teamwork and how hard work can pay off. I know I would not be the same person with out the constant competition in my life pushing me to be a better player, student and person as a whole.

I can’t agree with the article on I know personally that yes, losing can bring you down but that’s not what competition of sports is all about. Of course when your on a team you’re their to win but honestly more than anything I believe sports teach you how to communicate, lead and work with others. In all the sports I played this is what was stressed. Winning was second and as long as your striving for the win and doing your best then really nothing should get you down and that’s what I trust competition teaches you. Not to be boastful when you win or depressed when you lose but how to be happy with the state you’re in because there will always be someone better and no matter what someone is worse.  

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Competition is rooted in our culture and that will never change. Trying to shield kids from competition will ultimately hurt them because they will not be prepared to enter the real world. Kids must be exposed to competition early enough to have time to figure out how to properly handle to triumphs and down falls of competition in a sportsmanly way.
