Monday, September 9, 2013

What is recreation and leisure?

What is recreation, and what is leisure? To me, both have a similar definition but are distinctly different.  When the word recreation comes to mind, I think of doing an activity that one enjoys, such as going on a hike, or even playing a game of basketball. Leisure to me is just relaxing at ones own enjoyment. Maybe its napping, or going for a run, but relaxing nonetheless.  You could even be doing both at the same time! Both are a very important part in maintaing a happy life.


  1. I like what you said about how you can be doing both, it connects with my post.. Twinsies ;) But, I agree too, that it definitely doesn't have to be an active thing. It can be anything that helps you feel good.

  2. So are you saying they are the same, or just connected? Are the terms interchangeable? Are all forms of leisure, recreation or all forms of leisure, recreation?
