Sunday, September 8, 2013

What is recreation and leisure?

I think that recreation and leisure are not the same thing, but are extremely similar. Recreation is an"activity done when one is not working". My dad is a professional golfer, and in no way is it leisurely. It is recreational, however. Its like sports, to recreation to leisure. I think it is more of a personal preference, my recreation is hiking, swimming, and exertion of some sort. Leisure is "free time". To me leisure is more relaxed than recreation. For example: reading, making pottery, playing with your dog, or horseback riding. Sure they can go hand in hand but I think that they are different for each person.


  1. We had almost the same look on this. I like your explanation a lot better, it make more sense than mine, and is more clear.

  2. You are so right, golf can be leisure or recreation. Competitive golf is definitely more thought-consuming and mentally tougher than people think. Many activities are generally stereotyped, and you did a good job of pointing out the distinct qualities of recreation.
