Sunday, September 8, 2013

What is recreation and Leisure?

Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. I think that our generation is has leaned toward more toward leisure without recreation. These activities included watching television, playing video games, working/playing on the computer, etc. These types of leisure based  have made America the leading country in higher obesity and diabetes rates compared to the rest of the world. I'm not saying that we should totally cut off our increasing addiction to screens of every variety, they serve a specific purpose throughout our lives to connect us and to increase knowledge throughout the world. I think as a human race we should increase our presence outside so we can appreciate the world, it's natural beauty, and the mind boggling process that created this world and allowed us to live on the surface of it. 


  1. I agree about the whole screen point. So much of our school work is involved online, such as this blog, and our online math nonsense. Lovely points made about obesity!

  2. I agree too! In this day and age, people see leisure time as lazy time, rather than free time to go explore the outside world!

  3. I love how you added information on today's society explaining how people choose leisure over recreation. This all comes back to the culture of Northern Americans and the way we have been brought up. China is a very strict society that demands greatness from every individual, thus lessening the amount of rebellious tendencies and actions. If Americans were brought up more strict, then this wouldn't be as big of an issue. Also, going out and seeing the world is why God put us on the earth and it something we should take advantage of. Go LRC!!!

  4. Mark,
    Interesting point. I believe that our society is very individualistic. We compete as individuals to be the better than the group vs. having a collective nature where the group as a whole is more important than each individual that makes up the group.

    Collectivism vs. individualism.

    We believe that if one works hard enough then they should be able to succeed. In reality, that is not always the case. The journey is not the same for everyone.
